Well this took a different turn didn't it? I was taken in with the humour of the first few chapters, thinking it was going to be a fun read, and then you do this. A brilliant turn around. The wife Betty's strength of character coming through in Walter's description of her, and her showing up to comfort her husband when he need he most. A great story and excellent character. Just brilliant.

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Thank you, Ben! Yes, this episode is a hard turn from the silly to the serious. More of both to come. And thank you for noticing Betty. She is a force of strength and courage.

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Amazingly written. I like the jumps back and forth. You do an excellent job of showing the depressed mood, even without having to say much. Thank you very much for the read!

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Thank you! I’m always thrilled when someone finds my economy of words effective.

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„Economy of words“ is a nice expression. 🙂

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This is the best yet, getting a hard look into Jack on a human level. . . Looking forward to more.

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Thank you, Shannon! More to come.

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I love Jack and Betty's relationship. Thank goodness Walter had someone who could do what he couldn't. The realism... your kids are with you no matter what happens in the world, and you have to keep moving along with them. All the while, trying to keep them sheltered, protected... and strong enough to survive with you.

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Thank you! As I write them, I often feel like Jack and Betty are invincible together. I think when it comes to his son, Jack is trying to preserve his humanity… even at the end of the world.

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This is such a powerful scene! I always look forward to your next chapter and you have never disappointed!

Poor Jack and poor Walter. Through all of the wonderful absurdity in your earlier chapters, this one really broke through that and made the story feel so much more personal and sentimental. But not in a gross way. I love the anger of the silent scream at the end.

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Thank you, Nicole! I appreciate your continued support and I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed each episode. Yes, this one is a bit of a shock after the absurdity of the earlier episodes. I tried to show that even though Jack is living through a ridiculous apocalypse, there are still morally gray and difficult decisions to make.

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