
  1. The Ungrateful Guinea Pig
  2. Books in the Shitter
  3. Blue Betty
  4. The Dragon Tree
  5. A Screaming Fish Unheard
  6. War and Butter
  7. Weird Things in the Beard
  8. The Incorrigible Guinea Pig
  9. The Bishop Arrives
  10. The Bishop and the Sandwich
  11. The Bishop's Answer
  12. The Bishop's Departure
  13. Everything a Travesty
  14. Requiem for a Farce
  15. Intermission (14 Jan 2025)
  16. On the First Pull (4 Feb 2025)
  17. The Elk King (18 Feb 2025)
  18. Uncle Hank's Cabin (4 Mar 2025)
  19. Father Figures (18 Mar 2025)
  20. ... more to come!